6ES7 522-1BH00-0AB0
6ES7 522-1BH00-0AB0
厦门芯项通科技有限公司从事工业自动化系统集成与进口备件销售以及技术服务于一体的业高新技术企业。公司一直秉承以用户为核心,服务于电力、冶金、石油,beplay规则 ,制造等众多行业,提供高品质技术服务。并先后与国外厂商建立良好合作关系,必要时可以提供品牌厂商的技术支持服务
主营品牌:A-B 、 西门子、 施耐德 、ABB 、博世力士乐、伦茨、三菱、安川 、台达 、赛威 、丹佛斯、爱默生、霍尼韦尔
主营产品:DCS集散式控制系统、PLC可编程控制器、数控系统、(CPU处理器、模块、卡件、控制器、伺服驱动、变频器、驱动器、马达、 内存卡、 电源,机器人备件等)各类工控产品

SST-PFB-CLX-DTS FDT/DTM enabling software for SST-PFB-CLX-RLL
SST-PFB-CLX-RLL Profibus Master Module for A-B ControlLogix with Remote
SST-PFB-CLX-DTM Profibus Master Module for A-B ControlLogix with commDTM
SST-PFB-PLC5 Profibus Side-Card module for A-B PLC-5
SST-PFB-SLC Profibus Module for A-B SLC
SST-PFB-GE Profibus module for GE 90-70
SST-IBS-CLX-RLL Interbus G4 Master Module for A-B CLX with Remote
SST-IBS-SLC Interbus G4 Master module for A-B SLC
SST-ASI-CLX 2 Channel Asi Master module for A-B ControlLogix, v 2.1
SST-ASI-CMX 2 Channel Asi Master module for A-B CompactLogix, v 2.1
SST-ASI-SLC Two channel ASi Master module for A-B SLC, supprts v 3.0
5136-CN-104 PC/104 ControlNet Card
5136-CN-PCI PCI format for ControlNet
5136-CN-VME VME format for ControlNet
5136-CN-ISA ISA format for ControlNet
SST-DN3-104-1 PC/104 DeviceNet Interface card, single channel
SST-DN3-104-2 PC/104 DeviceNet Interface card, two channel
SST-DN3-PCU-1 PCI DeviceNet Interface card, single channel, universal voltage
SST-DN3-PCU-2 PCI DeviceNet Interface card, two channel, universal voltage
5136-DNP-CPCI 3U CPCI 1 Channel Card
5136-DNP-ISA ISA Pro DeviceNet Card
5136-DNP-PCM-SM PCMCIA for DeviceNet w/ Sealed Micro Connector Dongle & Cable
5136-DNP-PCM-ST PCMCIA for DeviceNet w/ Screw Terminal Connector Dongle & Cable
SST-DN3-VME-1 VME DeviceNet Interface card, single channel
SST-DN3-VME-2 VME DeviceNet Interface card, two channel
SST-DN3-VME-4 VME DeviceNet Interface card, four channel
SST-DN3-CNF-X Configuration Console for DN3 (key option X = U for USB or P for Parallel) refer to note1
SST-DN3-OPC Data server for DN3 cards
SST-PFB-USB-DTM USB Adapter for Profibus CommDTM (FDT/DTM compatible, No SST console required)
SST-PB3-PCU PCI Profibus Card, universal voltage
SST-PB3-OPC Data server for PB3 cards
SST-PB3-CNF-X Configuration Console for PB3 (key option X = U for USB or P for Parallel)
SST-PB3-VME-1 6U VME Profibus DP Interface, Master/Slave 1 channel
SST-PB3-VME-2 6U VME Profibus DP Interface, Master/Slave 2 channel
SST-PB3-ISA ISA Profibus DP Card, Master/Slave
SST-PB3-104 PC/104 Profibus DP Card, Master/Slave
SST-PB3-104-B25 PC/104 Profibus DP interface card, Bulk carton of 25 (cd on request)
SST-PBMS-PCI PCI Profibus DP multislave interface card
5136-PFB-PCM PC Card (PCMCIA) Profibus Card
SST-DPS-104 PC/104 Profibus DP Card, Slave only