Collaborate in real-time with the upper IT system to centrally and remotely monitor the operational status, contributing to further improving productivity. Assist in initial setup and troubleshooting by collaborating with AI or smartphones. Enrich protection functions and improve maintainability. Stable and safe operation of the equipment is achieved through safety functions, wireless connection of frequency converters, etc. Implement diverse driving methods to expand the applicability of devices and systems.
Collaborate in real-time with the upper IT system to centrally and remotely monitor the operational status, contributing to further improving productivity. Assist in initial setup and troubleshooting by collaborating with AI or smartphones. Enrich protection functions and improve maintainability. Stable and safe operation of the equipment is achieved through safety functions, wireless connection of frequency converters, etc. Implement diverse driving methods to expand the applicability of devices and systems.
IE TSN,提高操作性 ,实现了生产现场的实时数据收集,并能够使多个不同的网络混合在同一主线上,从而可以与各种各样的应用程序组合。灵活运用AI,为缩短停机时间做贡献,利用AI报警诊断功能,锁定报警发生的原因,实现停机时间缩小化。扩充预测保护功能,搭载世界首创的「金属腐蚀侦测系统」,能够侦测到因腐蚀性气体而引发变频器损伤的先兆。借助环境诊断功能,使变频器设置环境的状态可视化,提高保护性,防患于未然。一机搭载多样的驱动方式,在1台机器上搭载矢量控制(带编码器矢量控制),实时无传感器矢量控制(无编码器矢量控制)和无传感器定位。此外,还支持电机、PM电机,在各种解决方案的驱动方面大显身手。
众又(上海)实业有限公司专业供应 三菱变频器 、三菱PLC、三菱AC伺服、三菱低压等产品,原装现货,量大有货,欢迎致电咨询:18616911399(宋经理)
众又(上海)实业有限公司专业供应 三菱变频器 、三菱PLC、三菱AC伺服、三菱低压等产品,原装现货,量大有货,欢迎致电咨询:18616911399(宋经理)