Fisher™ DST-G Trim
费舍尔™DST-G TRIM是专为清洁或肮脏的服务而设计的,在这里流体有溶解气体,这些气体由于压力的降低而从溶液中释放出来(排出气体)。出气通常造成两种类型的损害:空化和被流体流侵蚀。DST-G修剪阶段压降,类似DST修剪,以防止空化.侵蚀是由较低的保持架控制在这个修剪,它把水流分成较小的,较低的能量射流,不太可能造成损害。这种修剪也有能力通过微粒高达6.35毫米(1/4英寸)的直径。

费舍尔™DST-G TRIM是专为清洁或肮脏的服务而设计的,在这里流体有溶解气体,这些气体由于压力的降低而从溶液中释放出来(排出气体)。出气通常造成两种类型的损害:空化和被流体流侵蚀。DST-G修剪阶段压降,类似DST修剪,以防止空化.侵蚀是由较低的保持架控制在这个修剪,它把水流分成较小的,较低的能量射流,不太可能造成损害。这种修剪也有能力通过微粒高达6.35毫米(1/4英寸)的直径。

Critical Service Outgassing, Dirty ServiceMaterial Carbon Steel, Stainless, Alloy
Operating Temperature Standard TemperaturePressure Class ASME
Process Connection Type Flanged
Shutoff Class Class V (FCI 70-2)
Valve Size NPS 2, NPS 3, NPS 4, NPS 6, NPS 8, NPS 10, NPS 2x3, NPS 3x4, NPS 6x8Valve Size Standard NPS
Other Configurations Contact your local Emerson business partner or sales office to learn about additional specifications or options for this product.
Designed to control outgassing.
Has a pressure limit of 175 bar (2500 psi)。
The protected seat design separates the shutoff function from the throttling function to protect seating surfaces from throttling wear.
Hardened trim materials provide excellent wear resistance, resulting in long trim life.
Cage-type trim allows removal and inspection of parts without taking the valve body out of the pipeline.
The cage utilizes large slots to separate flow into smaller jets that are less prone to erode the valve body and generate vibration.