General safety instructions
- The device must be mounted, started up or serviced by fully trained and
qualified personnel only; the accepted industry codes and practices are tobe observed. Make sure employees or third persons are not exposed to anydanger.
. According to these mounting and operating instructions, trained personnel
refers to individuals who are able to judge the work they are assigned toand recognize possible dangers due to their specialized training, theirknowledge and experience as well as their knowledge of the applicablestandards.
To ensure appropriate use, only use the device in applications where the operating pressure and temperatures do not exceed the specifications used forsizing the regulator at the ordering stage.
- The manufacturer does not assume any responsbility for damage caused by external forces or any other external factors.
- Any hazards that could be caused in the regulator by the process medium,
operating pressure or by moving parts are to be prevented by taking appro-priate precautions.
- Proper transport, storage, insallation, operation and maintenance are as-
SAMSON does not assume any liability for damage caused when the deviceis not used as intended.

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