Qualifications of operating personnel
The solenoid valve must be mounted, started up and serviced by fully trained and qualifiedpersonnel only; the accepted industry codes and practices are to be observed. According tothese mounting and operating instructions, trained personnel refers to individuals who areable to ?udge the work they are assigned to and recognize possible hazards due to their spe-cialized training, their knowledge and experience as well as their knowledge of the applica-ble standards.
Explosion-protected versions of this device are to be operated only by personnel who has un-dergone special training or instructions or who is authorized to work on explosion-protecteddevices in hazardous areas.
Warning against residual hazards
The solenoid valve has a direct effect on the control valve. To avoid personal injury or prop-erty damage, plant operators and operating personnel must prevent hazards that could becaused in the control valve by the process medium, the operating pressure, the signal pres-sure or by moving parts by taking appropriate precautions. They must observe all hazardstatements, warning and caution notes in these mounting and operating instructions, especially for intallation, start-up and service work.
If inadmissible motions or forces are produced in the pneumatic actuator as a result of thesupply pressure level, it must be restricted using a suitable supply pressure reducing station.
Responsibilities of the operator
Responsibilities of the operator
The operator is responsible for proper operation and compliance with the safety regulations.Operators are obliged to provide these mounting and operating instructions to the operatingpersonnel and to instruct them in proper operation. Furthermore, the operator must ensurethat operating personnel or third persons are not exposed to any danger.
Responsibilities of operating personnel
Responsibilities of operating personnel
Operating personnel must read and understand these mounting and operating instructions aswell as the specified hazard statements, warning and caution notes. Furthermore, the operat-ing personnel must be familiar with the applicable health, safety and accident preventionregulations and comply with them.