General safety instructions:
The device is to be mounted, started up or operated only by trained and experiencedpersonnel familiar with the product.
According to these mounting and operating instructions, trained personnel refers to indi-viduals who are able to judge the work they are assigned to and recognize possible dan-gers due to their specialized training, their knowledge and experience as well as theirknowledge of the applicable standards.
Explosion-protected versions of this device are to be operated only by personnel who hasundergone special training or instructions or who is authorized to work on explosion-pro-tected devices in hazardous areas.
Any hazards that could be caused in the control valve by the process medium, the signalpressure or by moving parts are to be prevented by taking appropriate precautions.The supply air must not exceed the maximum permissible supply pressure and must belimited by pressure reducing valve, if necessary.
If inadmissible motions or forces are produced in the pneumatic actuator as a result ofthe supply pressure level, it must be restricted using a suitable supply pressure reducingstation.
Proper sipping and storage are assumed.
Design and principle of operation
The Type 3962-9 Solenoid Valve is suitable for onrolling pneumatic linear or rotary actua-tors.
The principle of operation is based on a magnet core system with a downstream boostervalve containing a diaphragm or spool actuator.
The Type 3962-9 Solenoid Valve implements various way functions with Kvs 1 .4 to 4.3 de-pending on the version.

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