EMERSON/艾默生 ASCO系列 210黄铜电磁阀
? Two way shut-off valves for the control air, inert gas, water, oil and other gases/
liquids compatible with the sealing material used
? Valves do not require a minimum operating pressure
? All products are covered by Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC and are suitable
for group 1 and 2 fluids
? The solenoid valves satisfy all relevant EC directives
DC (=) : 24V
AC (~) : 24V/50 - 22V/50, 24V/60 - 100V/50, 110V/60 - 110V/50,
120V/60 - 115V/60 - 115~120V/50 - 208V/60 - 220V/50,
240V/60 - 230~240V/50