Trunnball DL 球形控制阀

行业:化工 水利 一般行业 石油与天然气
标准:ASME (ANSI), ISO, ISO 9001:2000, PED
Valtek GS调节阀
Valtek GS是一款用于控制连续加工中非临界流体回路的阀门-执行器-仪表全集成产品。Valtek GS设计打破常规,用*低的成本实现了*好的产品性能。遵循简约设计理念,找寻各种可能性,*终用集成产品控制的宽度和深度为Valtek 正名。
VNAF Trunnball DL是福斯工程师结合80多年球形控制阀制造经验全新开发的耳轴固定球阀。球由2个大型低阻力的耳轴承支持,即使在*大压差时依然保持低扭矩。拥有双向密封、低阻力和高可控性等特点,本产品特别适合隔离,开/关和调节控制应用。NAF Trunnball DL的材质为不锈钢或碳钢,也有其他可选,如钛等等。
NAF Trunnball DL性能优良故障少的原因:
NAF Turnex可直接安装,性能好、防振、设计紧凑。
规格多,DN 150–800,从 6” 到 32”
NAF Trunnball DL的设计特别适合加工工业苛刻的工况条件,其介质复杂和压力条件对阀门设计、材质和性能都有较高要求。
The NAF Trunnball DL is a full-bore trunnion-mounted ball valve, developed by Flowserve engineers with more than 80 years of experience manufacturing ball valves. The ball is supported by two large, low friction trunnion bearings for consistent low torque, even at high differential pressures. Due to its bidirectional tightness, low friction and high controllability, it is an excellent choice for isolation, on/off and modulating control applications. NAF Trunnball DL is supplied in stainless steel or carbon steel as a standard, but is also available in other materials, such as Duplex, titanium, and others.
The NAF Trunnball DL has the following features that optimize performance and reduce plant downtime:
?Spring loaded stem seal packing that provides long, maintenance-free and safe operation in automated on/off and control service safe operation in automated on/off and control service
?Direct actuator mounting capabilities of the NAF Turnex actuator for a high performance, vibration resistant, compact valve package
?Sturdy, blowout-proof stem providing high torque transmission with minimum mechanical backlash for optimum controllability
?Trunnion-mounted ball providing bidirectional tightness
?Low friction bearings for low torque and smooth operation
?Unique Z-trim option that minimizes cavitation and noise and has excellent control characteristics
?Extensive size range, DN 150–800, size 6” to 32”
?Easy-to-service design, due to the off-center joint face of the valve body, allowing for easy replacement of the ball and seals without the need to remove the stem and actuator
The design characteristics of NAF Trunnball DL are particularly suited to the most challenging operating conditions in the process industry, where difficult media and demanding pressure conditions make severe demands on the design, materials and performance of the valve.