HM35系列 手持式数显精密压力表 能够可靠的监测和采集差压数据,用于很多重要场合。它能测量绝对压力,差压和表压,精度达到0.05%。能够采集存储10742组数据,并且可以传送数据到电脑。大的显示屏可以显示数据趋势和峰谷值。HM35带有校准证书,它可以用作为其它压力仪表的校准标准。*适用于实验室,校准中心,或其它需要精密测量的场合。
Power Requirements: (3) 1.5 V AA alkaline batteries, installed functional, user replaceable. Can operate on 6 to 9 VDC external power.
Service: Air and compatible gases.
Wetted Materials: 18/8 stainless steel.
Accuracy: (Includes linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability): Depending on model. ±0.20% full-scale ±1 digit; ±0.10% full-scale ±1 digit; ±0.05% full-scale ±1 digit.
Temperature Limits: 32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C).
Storage Temperature: -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C).
Humidity: Maximum 95% RH non-condensing.
Display: Graphical back lit LCD. 128 x 64 points.
Memory: 10,742 readings. Recording intervals adjustable from 1 second to 24 hours or manual.
Case Protection: IP54 (NEMA 3).
Agency Approvals: CE.
Current Consumption: 25 mA without back lit display, IR, or buzzer.
Weight: 10.5 oz (300 g).
Process Connections: Hose 4/6 mm or 1/8" NPT.