668系列 微差压变送器 能够测量很微小的差压,精度达到1%,非常适合用于室内压力,风压等的监测。它能承受10 psig的静压也不会损坏仪表。可变电容式的传感器具有灵敏度高,稳定耐用等特点。尺寸小,重量轻使得安装容易。此变送器带有反向保护功能。
Service: Air and non-conductive gases.
Accuracy: ±1% FS (RSS), (includes non-linearity, hysteresis, and non-repeatability).
Temperature Limits: Operating: 0 to 150°F (-18 to 65°C), Storage: -40 to 185°F (-40 to 85°C).
Pressure Limits: 10 psig (0.69 bar).
Compensated Temperature Range: 0 to 150°F (-18 to 65°C).
Thermal Effects: 0.033% FS/°F (0.18% FS/°C).
Supply Voltage: 12 to 30 VDC.
Output: 4 to 20 mA, 2-wire.
Zero and Span Adjustment: ±1 mA, non-interactive.
Response Time: <60 msec.
Loop Resistance: 0 to 800 Ω.
Electrical Connection: Terminal strip.
Pressure Connection: 3/16" OD fitting for 1/4" ID tubing.
Housing: Fire retardant glass filled polyester.
Weight: 3 oz (85 g).
Agency Approval: CE.