在线插拔式 (LT) 在管道无需断流的情况下,可安全掺入和拔出Innova-switches开关。压力*大可承受3000 psia (207 barg),温度*高可承受390F (200C),能够满足大部分应用的需要。 An External extraction gauge lets you know when the switch is clear of the valve and dual safety restraints aid in the prevention of accidents
? 无需管道断流,可安全插入和拔出Innova-Switches
? External Extraction gauge lets you know when the switch is clear of the valve
? 标准不锈钢结构
? 宽操作温度范围:从-100F 到 +390F (-70C 到 200C)
? 操作压力:*高为3000 psia (207 bar)
? Dual safety restraint design to aid in the prevention of accidents
? Live tap may be installed in both tanks and pipes without regard for orientation