SGP系列 不锈钢低压表 带公制/英制双刻度,精度为1.6%。它采用304不锈钢的外壳,316L不锈钢的内室和316不锈钢的膜片,具备优良的抗化学腐蚀性能。 SGP系列能承受外部温度到65摄氏度,过程温度到120摄氏度。有真空,正压,正负组合量程范围到235英寸水柱。
Service: Compatible gases and liquids.
Wetted Materials: 316L SS chamber with 316 SS diaphragm.
Housing: 304 SS.
Accuracy: ±1.6% FS.
Pressure Limit: 130% FS.
Temperature Limits: Ambient: -13 to 149°F (-25 to 65°C); Process: 248°F (120°C).
Size: 4" (100 mm).
Process Connection: 1/2" male NPT.
Enclosure Rating: NEMA 3 (IP54).
Weight: 3.1 lb (1.4 kg).