Single Loop/Ratio/Dual Loop Cascade, Override control or Manual Station.

Single Loop/Ratio/Dual Loop Cascade, Override control or Manual Station

Analogue or incremental raise/lower (VP) output

Autotune standard

DIN 43700 standard (72mm × 144mm), IP65/NEMA 4 front panel

Universal, isolated I/O, TC, RTD, high level with transmitter PSU

MODBUS communications

Fieldbus – Profibus DP

Configuration via front panel or PC

Password protection of configuration parameters

Minimal hardware options facilitate spares holding/maintenance
Eurotherm has re-invented the Process Controller by taking the widely-acclaimed features of the 6350/60 product range – 100,000 units sold since 1980 – and implementing them using state-of-the-art technology and styling, setting new standards of performance and flexibility combined with ease of use, at a price anyone can afford.
T630 is designed to fit into existing panel cutouts as well as new panels requiring traditional loop integrity with the benefit of industry-standard communications for integration into a supervisory control environment. With a choice of dual-loop cascade as well as single loop or ratio control algorithms, the T630 will actually save panel space in retrofit situations Output bargraph by replacing two or even three existing units. Needless to say, the expansion I/O card allows full handshaking and bumpless transfer when separate units are connected in cascade or in master-slave configuration.