
凯姆雷Kimray CNG二级调压器 可配备KIMRAY阀门维修包

品牌: 美国Kimray凯姆雷
阀体材质:: 球墨铸铁
连接方式:: RF法兰 NPT
连接尺寸:: 6“ 4” 3“ 2” 1“
单价: 面议
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2020-10-21 09:32
浏览次数: 330
凯姆雷Kimray CNG二级调压器
连接方式:RF法兰 NPT
连接尺寸:6“ 4” 3“ 2” 1“
Regulation of inlet pressure to gas compressors. Control of supply or distribution system pressures. Regulation of down stream pressure where it is desired that no gas be vented.
Inside Buildings
In Populated Areas
Emissions Regulated Areas
Sour or Poisonous Gas Systems
Upstream: 10 psig to 300 psig
Downstream: 3 psig to 280 psig
Minimum differential: 3 psi

The Pilot assembly and Motor Valve Stem Assembly(Crosshatched) are the only moving units in the regulator. ThePILOT PLUG consists of two stainless balls rigidly connectedtogether. Upstream Pressure (Red) is the supply pressure to thepilot and is also in constant communication with the top side ofthe MOTOR VALVE DIAPHRAGM. The area of the MOTORVALVE DIAPHRAGM is twice the area of the motor valve seat,assuring a positive shut-off.
The lower seat for the PILOT PLUG is the Motor ValveDiaphragm Pressure inlet (Red to Yellow). The upper seat for thePILOT PLUG is the pressure vent (Yellow to Blue). The PILOTSPRING loads the upper side of the Pilot Assembly and isopposed on the underneath side by controlled DownstreamPressure (Blue).
Assume the PILOT SPRING is compressed with theADJUSTING SCREW for a desired Downstream Pressure setting.With Downstream Pressure (Blue) too low, the PILOTSPRING forces the Pilot Assembly downward to close the upperseat (Yellow to Blue) and open the lower seat (Red to Yellow).
This lets full Upstream Pressure (Red), if necessary, load theunderneath side of the MOTOR VALVE DIAPHRAGM to balancethe pressure on the top side. Upstream Pressure (Red) actingunder the motor valve seat, opens the valve. As DownstreamPressure (Blue) increases to the set pressure, the Pilot Assemblyassumes a position in which both seats of the PILOT PLUG areclosed.
Should Downstream Pressure (Blue) rise above the set pressure,the Pilot Assembly moves upward against the PILOTSPRING to open the pressure vent (Yellow to Blue). Motor ValveDiaphragm Pressure (Yellow) decreases to reposition the MotorValve Stem Assembly.
The intermittent bleed pilot, three-way valve action of thePILOT PLUG against its seat adjusts the Motor Valve DiaphragmPressure (Yellow), repositioning the Motor ValveStem Assembly to accommodate any rate of flow.
The rapid but stable repositioning produces a truethrottling action.

货号 连接尺寸 连接形式 描述 操作压力Psi *大工作压力Psi 维修包
A1112-D 1“ SCRD 130 SGT PR-NV-D 300 300 R1821
A1113-D 2" SCRD 230 SGT PR-NV-D 300 300 R0407
A1114-D 2" FLGD 218 FGT PR-NV-D 250 250 R0407
A1115-D 2" GRVD 230 GGT PR-NV-D 300 300 R0407
A1116-D 3" SCRD 330 SGT PR-NV-D 300 300 R0408
A1117-D 3" FLGD 318 FGT PR-NV-D 250 250 R0408
A1118-D 4" SCRD 430 SGT PR-NV-D 300 300 R0409
A1119-D 4" FLGD 418 FGT PR-NV-D 250 250 R0409
A1120-D 6" FLGD 618 FGT PR-NV-D 250 250 R0410

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