
德国库卡kuka激光焊接机器人KR 150-2 机器人焊接工作站组件

品牌: 库卡kuka
单价: 面议
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-05-08 11:34
浏览次数: 333
产品名:KR 150-2 K(2000 系列)
负荷 110/130/150 kg
附加负荷 100 kg
*大作用范围 3500/3300/3100 mm
轴数 6
重复精确度 <±0,06 mm
重量 1465/1455/1445 kg
安装位置 地面
控制系统 KR C2
搬运与装卸 包装及拣选 其它操作 点焊 其它焊接 涂漆、表面处理 金属压铸机、铸造设备 涂漆、上釉 涂胶水和密封材料 其它涂层 加工 塑料加工设备 其它应用 锻造设备 金属切削机床 操作其它机床。
One of the lightest and fastest model of the S2000 Heavy payload 6 axis industrial robots. Available in three versions attending to the arm reach / payload: KR 150-2 (2700 mm / 150 kg) , KR 150L130-2 (2900 mm / 130 kg) , KR 150L110-2 (3100 mm / 110 kg).
Suitable for machining, spotwelding, measuring, handling and palletizing applications. Equipped with the powerful KRC2 ed05 controller.
KR C2 edition2005 features
The controller KR C2 edition2005 (ed05) is assembled in accordance with your individual requirements, using standard PC components and drive technology that has proved its worth in the field of automation. This guarantees you high reliability and continuous access to the benefits of cutting-edge technology.
For example, it is possible to integrate up to two external axes in the basic cabinet. In conjunction with a top-mounted cabinet, as many as six external axes can be controlled.
The controller stands out on account of its simple maintenance, good accessibility, modular structure and service-friendly design, which allows components to be exchanged quickly and easily. A wide range of diagnostic and troubleshooting functions, such as remote servicing via the Internet, together with numerous expansion options and a comprehensive safety concept round out the spectrum of services offered for the KR C2 edition2005, giving you everything you need to optimize your production.
Features and Advantages
? Uniform control concept for all KUKA robots – from low payloads right up to the heavy-duty category – means reliable planning and interchangeability
? “Plug and play” functionality enables rapid start-up
? Service-proven technology and standard PC components ensure maximum availability with minimum maintenance
? Modular design allows a wide range of customized hardware and software expansions
? Efficient interfaces and high compatibility due to PC-based technology
? Networked controllers that can communicate with each other in real time make it possible for a number of synchronized robots to work together on a single workpiece
robot Info
Maximum Load of Robot: 150/130/110 Kg
Maximum Reach: 2700/2900/3100 mm
Repeatability: 0.15
Controller: KR C2 Ed05
Axis Speed in ?/s for the models: KR 150-2 / KR 150 L130-2 / KR 150 L110-2
Axis 1: 110?/s 105?/s 105?/s
Axis 2: 110?/s 105?/s 105?/s
Axis 3: 110?/s 110?/s 110?/s
Axis 4: 100?/s 95?/s 93?/s
Axis 5: 170?/s (all 3 models)
Axis 6: 238?/s (all 3 models)
Range of motion (Axis 1 to 6)
Axis 1: +- 185?
Axis 2: +0 to -146?
Axis 3: +155? to -119?
Axis 4: +-350?
Axis 5: +-125?
Axis 6: +-350?
Robot Applications:
Press tending
Loading and unloading of parts
Handling of parts
Laser cutting
Laser welding Nd-Yag
Glueing - Adhesive bonding
Stud welding
Plasma cutting

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