EPSON 利用CCD图像处理包标定工具坐标系
爱普生机器人 企业文化一方面是不断生产业界佳的产品,另一方面,我们也承诺保证客户在每次销售前、销售过程中及售后都能获得高水准的支持。我们的客户群非常了解我们的支持和关怀,与爱普生签订续签订单,并且极力褒奖我们提供支持所付出的额外努力和意愿。
Function CalcTool
Boolean found
Real x, y, u
Real x0, y0, u0
Real xTool, yTool, rTool, theta
Tool 0
VRun findTip
VGet findTip.tip.RobotXYU, found, x, y, u
If found Then
' Get the TOOL 0 position
x0 = CX(P*)
y0 = CY(P*)
u0 = CU(P*)
' Calculate initial tool offsets
' X and Y distance from tip found with vision
' to center of U axis
xTool = x - x0
yTool = y - y0
' Calculate angle at initial offsets
theta = Atan2(xTool, yTool)
' Calculate angle of tool when U is at zero degrees
theta = theta - DegToRad(u0)
' Calculate tool radius
rTool = Sqr(xTool * xTool + yTool * yTool)
' Calculate final tool offsets
xTool = Cos(theta) * rTool
yTool = Sin(theta) * rTool
' Set the tool
TLSet 1, XY(xTool, yTool, 0, 0)