阀门术语 | ||
1 | 阀门 | Valve |
2 | 自动阀门 | Self-acting valve |
3 | 驱动阀门 | Actuated valve |
4 | 手动阀门 | Manual operated valve |
5 | 电动阀门 | Electrical operated valve |
6 | 液动阀门 | Hyclraulically operated valve |
7 | 气动阀门 | Pneumatically operated valve |
8 | 真空阀门 | Vacuum valve |
9 | 低压阀门 | Low pressure valve |
10 | 中压阀门 | Middle pressure valve |
11 | 高压阀门 | High pressure valve |
12 | 超高压阀门 | Super high pressure valve |
13 | 高温阀门 | High temperature valve |
14 | 中温阀门 | Moterate temperature valve |
15 | 常温阀门 | Normal temperature valve |
16 | 低温阀门 | Sub-zero valve |
17 | 超低温阀门 | Cryogenic valve |
18 | 闸阀 | Gate valve |
19 | 明杆闸阀 | Outside screw rising stem valve |
20 | 暗杆闸阀 | Inside screw non-rising stem valve |
21 | 楔式闸阀 | Wedge gate valve |
22 | 平行式闸阀 | Paralled gate valve、Paralled slide valve, |
23 | 缩径闸阀 | Contraction cavity gate valve |
24 | 快速启闭闸阀 | Quick open-and-close gate valve |
25 | 截止阀 | Globe valve、Stop valve |
26 | 上螺纹式阀杆截止阀 | Outside screw stem globe valve |
27 | 下螺纹式阀杆截止阀 | Inside screw stem globe valve |
28 | 直通式截止阀 | Through way type globe valve |
29 | 角式截止阀 | Angle pattern globe valve |
30 | 三通截止阀 | Three way globe valve |
31 | 直流式截止阀 | Oblique type valve |
32 | 柱塞式截止阀 | Plunger type globe valve |
33 | 针形截止阀 | Needle type globe valve |
34 | 节流阀 | Throttle valve choke |
35 | 沟形阀瓣节流阀 | Trench type disc throttle valve |
36 | 窗形阀瓣节流阀 | Window type disc throttle valve |
37 | 塞形阀瓣节流阀 | Plug disc throttle valve |
38 | 球阀 | Ball valve |
39 | 浮动式球阀 | Floating ball valve |
40 | 固定式球阀 | Fixed ball valve |
41 | 双阀座双向阀 | Twin-seat,both seats bi-directional valve |
42 | 双截断-泄放阀(DBB) | Double-block-and bleed valve |
43 | 双隔离-泄放阀(DIB) | Double-isolation-and-bleed valve |
44 | 弹性球阀球阀 | Flexible ball valve |
45 | 双向密封阀门 | Bi-directional valve |
46 | 三通球阀 | Three way ball valve |
47 | 蝶阀 | Butterfly valve |
48 | 垂直板式蝶阀 | Vertical disc type butterfly valve |
49 | 斜板式蝶阀 | Inclined disc type butterfly valve |
50 | 中线蝶阀 | Center line type butterfly valve |
51 | 单偏心蝶阀 | Single-eccentric center butterfly valve |
52 | 双偏心蝶阀 | Double-eccentric center butterfly valve |
53 | 三偏心蝶阀 | Three-eccentric center butterfly valve |
54 | 旋塞阀 | Plug valve,cock |
55 | 填料式旋塞阀 | Gland packing plug valve |
56 | 油封式旋塞阀 | Lubricated plug valve |
57 | 紧定式旋塞阀 | Clampyte plug valve |
58 | 自封式旋塞阀 | Self-cealing plug valve |
59 | 柱塞旋塞阀 | Cock plug valve |
60 | 文丘里旋塞阀 | Venturi plug valve |
61 | 压力平衡式旋塞阀 | Pressure balance type plug valve |
62 | 隔膜阀 | Diaphragm valve |
63 | 屋脊式隔膜阀 | Weir diaphragm valve |
64 | 截止式隔膜阀 | Globe diaphragm valve |
65 | 闸板式隔膜阀 | Wedge diaphragm valve |
66 | 排污阀 | Blow-down valve |
67 | 分配阀 | Dividing valve |
68 | 混合阀 | Mixing valve |
69 | 水力控制阀 | Hydraulic control valve |
70 | 遥控浮球阀 | Remote float control valve |
71 | 水力控制减压阀 | Pressure reducing valve |
72 | 缓闭止回阀 | Low speed closed check valve |
73 | 持压/减压阀 | Pressure subtaining,relief valve |
74 | 水泵控制阀 | Pump control valve |
75 | 调节阀(控制阀) | Control valve,Adjusting valve |
76 | 自力式调节阀 | Self-acting type control valve |
77 | 驱动式调节阀 | Actuated type control valve |
78 | 气动调节阀 | Penumatic contorl valve |
79 | 电动调节阀 | Electric contorl valve |
80 | 自力式温度调节阀 | Self-acting temperture control valve |
81 | V形开口调节球阀 | V-notch ball valve |
82 | 调压器 | Pressure regulators |
83 | 直接作用式调压器 | Pressure regulators of direct effect valve |
84 | 间接作用式调压器 | Pressure regulators of indirect effect valve |
85 | 指挥器 | Pilot regulator |
86 | 止回阀 | Check valve Non-return valve |
87 | 升降式止回阀 | Lift check valve |
88 | 升降立式止回阀 | Vertical lift check valve |
89 | 旋启式止回阀 | Swing check valve |
90 | 底阀 | Foot valve Bottom valve |
91 | 轴流式止回阀 | Axial flow check valve |
92 | 旋启多瓣式止回阀 | Multi-disc swing check valve |
93 | 蝶式止回阀 | Butterfly swing check valve |
94 | 弹簧载荷升降式止回阀 | Spring-loaded lift check valve |
95 | 弹簧载荷环形阀瓣升降式止回阀 | Spring-loaded annular disc check valve |
96 | 多环形流道升降式止回阀 | Multi-annulus check valve |
97 | 排空止回阀 | No-load running check valve |
98 | 缓闭止回阀 | Dashpot check valve |
99 | 隔膜式止回阀 | Diaphragm type check valve |
100 | 锥形隔膜式止回阀 | Tapered diaphragm type check valve |
101 | 球形止回阀 | Ball check valve |
102 | 安全阀 | Safety valve |
103 | 弹簧式安全阀 | Direct spring loaded safety valve |
104 | 杠杆式安全阀 | Lever and weight loaded safety valve |
105 | 先导式安全阀 | Pilot operated safety valve |
106 | 全启式安全阀 | Full lift safety valve |
107 | 微启式安全阀 | Low lift safety valve |
108 | 波纹管平衡式安全阀 | Bellows seal balance safety valve |
109 | 双联弹簧是安全阀 | Duplex safety valve |
110 | 直接载荷式安全阀 | Direct-loaded safety valve |
111 | 带动力辅助装置的安全阀 | Assisted safety valve |
112 | 带补充载荷的安全阀 | Supplementary loaded safety valve |
113 | 真空安全阀 | Vacuum relief valve |
114 | 敞开式安全阀 | Openly sealed dafety valve |
115 | 全封闭式安全阀 | All sealed bonnet type sfaty valve |
116 | 减压阀 | Pressure reducing valve |
117 | 薄膜式减压阀 | Diaphram reducing valve |
118 | 弹簧薄膜式减压阀 | Spring diaphram reducing valve |
119 | 活塞式减压阀 | Piston reducing valve |
120 | 波纹管式减压阀 | Bellows seal reducing valve |
121 | 杠杆式减压阀 | Lever reducing valve |
122 | 直接作用式减压阀 | Direct-acting reducing valve |
123 | 先导式减压阀 | Pilot operated reducing valve |
124 | 定值减压阀 | Fixed pressure reducing valve |
125 | 定比减压阀 | Proportioning pressure reducing valve |
126 | 定差减压阀 | Fixed differential reducing valve |
127 | 正向作用式减压阀 | Direct acting reducing valve |
128 | 反向作用式减压阀 | Reverse acting reducing valve |
129 | 卸荷式减压阀 | Balanced reducing valve |
130 | 蒸汽疏水阀 | Steam trap |
131 | 机械型蒸汽疏水阀 | Mechanical steam trap |
132 | 浮球式蒸汽疏水阀 | Ball float steam trap |
133 | 自由浮球式蒸汽疏水阀 | Free-ball steam trap |
134 | 杠杆浮球式蒸汽疏水阀 | Lever-ball steam trap |
135 | 自由半浮球式蒸汽疏水阀 | Free-semi-ball steam trap |
136 | 钟形浮子式蒸汽疏水阀 | Inverted bucket steam trap |
137 | 浮桶式蒸汽疏水阀 | Open bucket steam trap |
138 | 热静力型蒸汽疏水阀 | Hot-statical force steam trap |
139 | 波纹管式蒸汽疏水阀 | Bellows seal steam trap |
140 | 膜盒式蒸汽疏水阀 | Membrane-box steam trap |
141 | 双金属片式蒸汽疏水阀 | Bi
142 | 热动力型蒸汽疏水阀 | Hot-motive force steam trap |
143 | 圆盘式蒸汽疏水阀 | Disc steam trap |
144 | 脉冲式蒸汽疏水阀 | Impulse steam trap |
145 | 迷宫或板孔式蒸汽疏水阀 | Orifice steam trap |
146 | 压力释放装置 | Pressure relief device |
147 | 重闭式压力释放装置 | Reclosing pressure relief device |
148 | 非重闭式压力释放装置 | Non-reclosing pressure relief device |
149 | 爆破片装置 | Bursting disk device |
150 | 折断销装置 | Breaking pin device |
151 | 弯折销装置 | Buckling pin device |
152 | 剪切销装置 | Shear pin device |
153 | 易熔塞装置 | Fusible plug device |
154 | 结构长度 | Face-to face dimension、End-to end dimension、Face-to centre dimension |
155 | 结构形式 | Type of construction |
156 | 直通式 | Through way type |
157 | 角式 | Angle type |
158 | Y型 | Y-type |
159 | 三通式 | Three way type |
160 | T形三通式 | T-pattern three way type |
161 | L形三通式 | L-pattern three way type |
162 | 平衡式 | Balance type |
163 | 杠杆式 | Lever type |
164 | 常开式 | Normally open type |
165 | 常闭式 | Normally closed type |
166 | 保温式 | Steam jacket type |
167 | 波纹管式 | Bellows seal type |
168 | 全径阀门 | Full-port valve |
169 | 缩径阀门 | Reduced-port valve |
170 | 单向阀门 | Unidirectional valve |
171 | 双向阀门 | Bidirectional valve |
172 | 封闭式 | Seal type |
173 | 非封闭式 | Unseal type |
174 | 多回转驱动装置 | Malti-turn actuator |
175 | 部分回转驱动装置 | Part-turn actuator |
176 | 直线型气动装置 | Linear pneumatic actuator |
177 | 上密封 | Back seal |
178 | 压力密封 | Pressure seal |
179 | 连接形式 | Type of connection |
180 | 截断阀 | Block valve |
181 | 锁紧装置 | Locking device |
182 | 执行机构 | Operator |
183 | 动力驱动装置 | Powered actuator |
184 | 动力操作装置 | Powered operator |
185 | 阀杆加长装置 | Stem extension assembly |
186 | 异径连接装置 | Adapter |
187 | 底部套管封隔 | Bottom casing packoff |
188 | 心轴式套管悬挂器 | Casing hanger mandrel |
189 | 卡瓦式套管悬挂器 | Slip-type casing hanger |
190 | 套管头四通 | Casing head spool |
191 | 节流油嘴 | Choke bean |
192 | 采油树 | Christmas tree |
193 | 关键部件 | Critical components |
194 | 四通 | Cross |
195 | 交叉接头 | Cross-over connector |
196 | 交叉短管 | Cross-over spool |
197 | 交叉法兰 | Cross-over flange |
198 | 松散式接头 | Loose connector |
199 | 热敏开放锁定装置 | Heat-sensitive lockopen devic |
200 | 限面密封装置 | Restricted-area sealing means |
201 | 限面密封垫 | Restricted-area pack off |
202 | 隔离件 | Spacer |
203 | 水面安全阀(SSV) | Surface safety valve |
204 | 水下安全阀(USV) | Under water safety valve |
205 | 翼阀 | Wing valve |
206 | 抽汲阀 | Swab valve |
207 | 拱顶阀 | Crown valve |
208 | 电动装置 | Electric actuator |
209 | 气动装置 | Pneumatic actuator |
210 | 液动装置 | Hydraulic actuator |
211 | 电磁驱动装置 | Electro magnetic actuator |
212 | 电-液动装置 | Electro-hydraulic actuator |
213 | 电磁-液动装置 | Electro magnetic-hydr-aulic actuator |
214 | 气-液动装置 | Pneumatic-hydraulic actuator |
215 | 蜗杆传动装置 | Worm gear actuator |
216 | 圆柱齿轮传动装置 | Cylindrical gear actuator |
217 | 圆锥齿轮传动装置 | Conical gear actuator |
218 | 回转型气动装置 | Rotary peumatic actuator |
219 | 阀体 | Body |
220 | 壳体 | Shell |
221 | 阀盖 | Bonnet;Cover |
222 | 启闭件 | Disc |
223 | 阀座 | Seat |
224 | 密封面 | Sealing face,surface |
225 | 阀杆 | Stem,Spindle |
226 | 阀杆螺母 | Yoke nut |
227 | 填料函(填料箱) | Stuffing box |
228 | 填料压盖 | Gland,Gland flange One-piece gland |
229 | 填料 | Packing,Packing rings |
230 | 填料垫 | Packing seat,Packing washer |
231 | 支架 | Yoke |
232 | 撞击手轮 | Impact hand wheel |
233 | 阀瓣(阀芯) | Disc(valve core) |
234 | 闸板 | Wedge |
235 | 单闸板 | Single gate |
236 | 刚性闸板 | Rigid gate |
237 | 弹性闸板 | Flexible gate disc |
238 | 双闸板 | Double gate |
239 | 楔式双闸板 | Wedge double gate |
240 | 平行式双闸板 | Parallel double gate |
241 | 球体 | Ball |
242 | 蝶板 | Disc |
243 | 隔膜 | Diaphragm |
244 | 塞子 | Plug |
245 | 销轴 | Hinge pin |
246 | 摇杆 | Arm |
247 | 调节螺母 | Adjusting screw |
248 | 弹簧座 | Spring plate |
249 | 导向套 | Dise guide |
250 | 反冲盘 | Dise holder |
251 | 调节圈 | Adjusting ring |
252 | 膜片 | Diaphragm |
253 | 阀片 | Dise |
254 | 钟形罩 | Inverted bucket |
255 | 浮球 | Float ball |
256 | 浮桶 | Float bucket |
257 | 承压件 | Pressure-containing parts |
258 | 控压件 | Pressure-controlling parts |
259 | 易接近的湿润表面 | Accessible wetted surface |
260 | 套管 | Casing |
261 | 环形封隔 | Annular pack off |
262 | 套管头壳体 | Casing head housing |
263 | 节流阀内件 | Choke trim |
264 | 悬挂器心轴 | Hanger mandrel |
265 | 锁紧螺钉(固定螺钉) | Lock screw(Tir-down screw) |
266 | 多段交叉短管 | Multistage croos-over spool |
267 | 一次设备 | Primary equipment |
268 | 油管头异径接头 | Tubing head adapter |
269 | 油管双端短管 | Tubing head spool |
270 | 阀孔密封机构 | Valve-bore sealing mechanism |
271 | 破片 | Bursting disk |
272 | 爆破片组件(组合式爆破片) | Bursting disk component |
273 | 正拱形爆破片 | Positive vaulted Bursting disk |
274 | 反拱形爆破片 | Against vaulted Bursting disk |
275 | 平板形爆破片 | Falt Bursting disk |
276 | 石墨爆破片 | Graphite Bursting disk |
277 | 夹持器 | Holder |
278 | 支承圈 | Support ring |
279 | 背压托架 | Backing pressure bracket |
280 | 加强环 | Strengthening ring |
281 | 密封膜 | Sealed film |
282 | 保护膜(层) | Proteclion film |
283 | 坯片 | Roughcast |
284 | 传动链 | Drive train |
285 | 主要性能参数 | Specification |
286 | 公称压力(PN) | Nominal pressure |
287 | 公称尺寸(DN) | Nominal diameter |
288 | 工作压力 | Working pressure |
289 | 工作温度 | Working temperature |
290 | 适用介质 | Suitable medium |
291 | 适用温度 | Suitable temperature |
292 | ***高工作压力 | Maximum operation pressure |
293 | ***高工作温度 | Maximum operation temperature |
294 | 壳体试验 | Shell test |
295 | 壳体试验压力 | Shell test pressure |
296 | 密封试验 | Seall test |
297 | 密封试验压力 | Seall test pressure |
298 | 上密封试验 | Back seal test |
299 | 渗漏量 | Leakage |
300 | 吻合度 | Percent of contact area |
301 | 连接尺寸 | Connection dimension |
302 | 主要外形尺寸 | Prime out-form dimensions,General dimensions |
303 | ***大压差 | Maximum pressure differential |
304 | 压力边界 | Pressure boundary |
305 | 静压寿命试验 | Potential Pressure life text |
306 | 火灾型式试验 | Fire text |
307 | 防静电试验 | Anti-static test |
308 | 排放面积 | Discharge area |
309 | 流道面积 | Flow area |
310 | 流道直径 | Flow diameter |
311 | 帘面积 | Curtain area |
312 | 开启高度 | Lift |
313 | 额定升高 | Rated lift |
314 | 密封面斜角 | Seat angle |
315 | 密封面积 | Seat area |
316 | 密封面平均直径 | Seat mean diameter |
317 | 喉径 | Throat diameter |
318 | 净流通面积 | Net flow area |
319 | 爆破压力 | Bursting pressure |
320 | 爆破温度 | Bursting temperature |
321 | 制造范围 | Manufacturing-range |
322 | 爆破压力允差 | Allowable Bursting pressure |
323 | 泄放面积 | Discharge area |
324 | 泄放量(泄放能力) | Discharge quantity |
325 | 批次 | Batch |
326 | 背压 | Backing pressure |
327 | 排放压力 | Relieving pressure |
328 | 整定压力 | Set pressure |
329 | 超过压力 | Overpressure |
330 | 回座压力 | Reseating pressure |
331 | 启闭压差 | Blowdown |
332 | 冷态试验差压力 | Cold differential test pressure |
333 | 排放背压力 | Built-up back pressure |
334 | 附加背压力 | Superimposed back pressure |
335 | 理论排量 | Theoretical discharge capacity |
336 | 额定排量 | Certigied(discharge) capacity |
337 | 当量计算排量 | Equivalent calculated capacity |
338 | 频跳 | Chatter |
339 | 颤振 | Flutter |
340 | 动作性能及排量试验 | Operational characteristics and flow capacity testing |
341 | 在用试验 | In-Service testing |
342 | 工作台上定压试验 | Bench testing |
343 | 疏水阀工作压力 | Operating pressure |
344 | 疏水阀***高工作压力 | Maximum operating pressure |
345 | 疏水阀***低工作压力 | Minimum operating pressure |
346 | 疏水阀工作背压 | Operating back pressure |
347 | 疏水阀***高工作背压 | Maximum operating back pressure |
348 | 疏水阀背压率 | Rate of back pressure |
349 | 疏水阀***高背压率 | Maximum rate of back pressure |
350 | 疏水阀工作压差 | Operating differental pressure |
351 | 疏水阀***大压差 | Maximum differental pressure |
352 | 疏水阀***小压差 | Minimum differental pressure |
353 | 开阀温度 | Operating valve temperature |
354 | 关阀温度 | Closing valve temperature |
355 | 排水温度 | Temperature at discharging condensate |
356 | ***高排水温度 | Maximum temperature at discharging condensate |
357 | 过冷度 | Subcooled temperature |
358 | 开阀过冷度 | Subcooled temperature of open valve |
359 | 关阀过冷度 | Subcooled temperature of close valve |
360 | ***大过冷度 | Maximum subcooled temperature |
361 | ***小过冷度 | Minimum subcooled temperature |
362 | 冷凝水排量 | Cold condensate capacity |
363 | 热凝水排量 | Hot condensate capacity |
364 | 漏汽量 | Steam loss |
365 | 无负荷漏汽量 | Unload steam loss |
366 | 有负荷漏汽量 | Load steam loss |
367 | 无负荷漏汽率 | Rate of unload steam loss |
368 | 有负荷漏汽率 | Rate of load steam loss |
369 | 负荷率 | Rate of load condensate |
370 | 行程 | Travel |
371 | 调节阀执行机构 | Actuator |
372 | 基本误差 | Intrinsic error |
373 | 回差 | Hysteresis error |
374 | 死区 | Dead band |
375 | 额定行程 | Rated travel |
376 | 相对行程h | Relative travel |
377 | 额定行程偏差 | Deciation of rated travel |
378 | 额定流量Q | Rated flow |
379 | 泄漏量 | Leakage |
380 | 流量系数 | Flow coefficient |
381 | 额定流量系数Kv | Rated flow coefficient |
382 | 相对流量系数φ | Relative flow coefficient |
383 | 固有流量特性 | Inherent flow characteristic |
384 | 可调比R | Inherent rangeability |
385 | 阻塞流 | Choked flow |
386 | 液体压力恢复系数FL | Liquid pressure recovery factor |
387 | 液体临界压力比系数 | Liquid critical pressure ratio coefficient |
388 | 斜率偏差 | Slope deviation |
389 | ***小开启压力 | Minimum open pressure |
390 | 驱动装置 | Actuator |
391 | 回转型气动装置 | Rotary pneumatic actuator |
392 | 气动装置的行程 | Stroke of pneumatic actuator |
393 | 转矩 | Torque |
394 | 推力 | Thrust |
395 | ***大压差(Mpa) | Maximum pressure differential |
396 | 清管能力 | Piggability |
397 | 压力级 | Pressure class |
398 | 背压 | Backing pressure |
399 | 泄放孔 | Bleed |
400 | 切断推力 | Breakaway thrust |
401 | 切断力矩 | Breakaway torque |
402 | 流量系数Cv | Flow coefficient Cv |
403 | 抗腐蚀合金(CRA) | Corrosion-vesistant alloy |
404 | 耐腐蚀环槽 | Corrosion-resistant ring grooves |
405 | 动密封 | Dynamic seal |
406 | 静密封 | Static seal |
407 | 等效圆(ER) | Equivalent round |
408 | 热影响区(HAZ) | Heat-affected zone |
409 | 热作业 | Hot-work |
410 | 线状显示 | Linear indication |
411 | 客观证据 | Objective evidence |
412 | 压力边界通套 | Pressure-boundary penetration |
413 | 承压完好性 | Pressure integrity |
414 | 压力容器质量 | Pressure vessel quality |
415 | 圆形显示 | Rounded indication |
416 | 应力腐蚀裂纹 | Strees-corrosion crucking |
417 | 硫化应力断裂(SSC) | Sulfide-stress cracking |
418 | 直线流量特性 | Linear flow characteristic |
419 | 等百分比流量特性 | Egual percentage flow characteristic |
420 | 问压精度 | Accuracy of pressure stability |
421 | 关闭压力 | Shut off pressure |
422 | 额定流量 | Nominal flow rate |
423 | 静特性曲线 | Static charecteristic curve |
424 | 压力回差 | Difference of pressure |
425 | 调压器综合流量系数 | Total flow coefficient of pressure regulator |
426 | 固有可调比 | Inherent rangeability |
427 | 临界压差比 | Critical differential pressure ratio |
428 | 行程 | Travel |
429 | 阀额定容量 | Rated valve capacity |